Flying Spoon Demo Page
The examples given here serve to illustrate the usability of game mechanics for a wide variety of objectives. The examples listed refer both to current campaigns and to completed delivery. You can experience each example presented here directly by clicking on the respective "View" button. To try them out on mobile devices, please use the added QR codes.

Guardians for Life - TÜV SÜD
For the first time, the current campaign takes a holistic approach to the topic of cancer prevention, i.e. it focuses on different types of cancer and uses a gamification approach to convey knowledge in a new format. The game "Guardians for Life" is intended to raise awareness and make the non-cancerous aware of the danger of cancer and the great importance of cancer prevention.

Wichteladvent - DB Regio Nordost
This Advent calendar is something special. Instead of opening a door every day, the player has to hit elves moving across the screen with a snowball. Each elf has a number on its cap. The goal is to hit the current day's elf. If the right elf is hit, a scratch card opens with a question for the day. After the question has been answered correctly, the player can register for the daily lottery.

Personality Test - Deutsche Bahn
In this game, users can rate their answers to various questions using a slider. As a result, the user is presented with a suitable feature of the DB Navigator. The user can then take part in a lottery. The game is embedded in an iframe on a landing page.

Employer branding - Company rating
Employer rating encourages your employees to rate the company and share it on various platforms or on a company landingpage. For this purpose, the employee is playfully through the predefined questions, which they have to rate intuitively (time limit), in order to then generate a prefabricated comment tailored to their evaluation from a constantly growing database, which can be individually adapted. Comments, positive and also negative, generate credibility. The use of gamification motivates through playful interaction to finalise the evaluation process without influence.

3D Racer - Multiplayer Example
In the 3D racer, several players can play against each other at the same time. The task is to get to the finish as quickly as possible. Find the fastest way to the finish! In addition, the user must make sure that he does not touch any walls or obstacles, as this will reduce his shields. The fastest round wins! Inside the labyrinth are various power-ups that trigger different positive effects. But not everything you can collect has a positive effect...

Learnification - Customer centricity
The word finder shown here works as a cloze text. The user must form the missing word from the available letters. The letters can be displayed in any order. The user only has a certain amount of time to guess the missing word. With the help of a hint, he or she can have a random letter displayed in the word.

Story Map - Interactive Learning
Are you interested in the core information about gamification, but don't have time? Then take our short tour. Here you will be quickly and easily about the whole topic and provide you with some examples. If you want to learn more, you can take the Long Tour or the Discoverer Tour. In the Guided Tours you can only select the vibrant buildings. After you have clicked on the content you can close the window and you will immediately be guided to the next waypoint.

Personality-Test - Working style
In this tool, users can be asked about an intensity of a wide variety of topics. Each topic is given its own block of questions. The user can use a slider to set the intensity for individual points. The result is a pie chart. This example is about the working style of different activities.

Personality-Test - Comfort zone
This tool helps you to find out what you need to work optimally in cross-functional teams. Decide which attitudes will help you to overcome habits and discover new opportunities in teamwork.

Memory sweepstake - Samsung
In this memory game, you don't have to find identical pairs, but matching pairs, like chicken and egg. The game consists of three levels. If all three levels are passed successfully, the user is allowed to participate in a prize sweepstake.

Informationtransfer - HWK
In Crafty Race the player controls a car by moving it to the right and left. Various objects appear along the way. To collect points, the player must collect the positives and avoid the negatives. The game has no time limit, but becomes faster and faster. At the end, the user get showed his three most collected items. There are over 130 different items, which symbolized a profession. The User can click on it and get linked to this profession.

Christmas Market - Trader Hub
There were no christmas markets in 2020. In order to offer the producers of christmas crafts the opportunity to present themselves nevertheless, the state of saxony developed a digital christmas market with us. There, the artisans could present themselves with text and pictures and link to their website or online shop.

Awareness / Event - HWK
Tap Tile is a fast skill game. Each row consists of three elements, one of which is positive and should be clicked. With every click the row above moves up. The aim is to hit as many positive objects in a given time. The achieved points are displayed in a highscore. The winner is determined by the highscore.

Hidden Picture - Infotainment
The Abrafaxe hidden object picture shows various famous Saxons in comic form. The players can find and discover them. There is a short info about each person. At the end, you can enter your name in a leaderboard.

Head Soccer - sweepstake
In headsoccer, the player must keep the ball in the air as often as possible. The ball falls down automatically. The player must click on the ball at the right moment to "head" it upwards. The player receives one point for each successful hit. The game is over when the ball falls out of the picture on the right, left or bottom. The points are recorded in a high score.

In the stacker, the player controls a bar, which he moves to the right and left. Various objects fall down from above. The aim is to stack the right pieces in the right order to create a complete picture. Additionally he has to avoid obstacles. The game ends after a certain time or with the completion of the picture.

Snow Catcher - Mechanic sample
In the Snow Catcher the player controls a figure by moving it to the right and left. Various objects appear along the way. To collect points, the player must collect the positives and avoid the negatives. The game has no time limit, but becomes faster and faster.

Retro Sidescroller - Mechanic sample
Here the player controls a figure. The figure can jump (Superjump: double click) and duck as well as move to the right and left. The aim is to get to the end of the level alive and collect as many bonus elements as possible. The collected bonus elements determine the score.

Advent calender - Mechanic sample
Every day the player can discover the current date and can activate the door. A new content is hidden behind each door. The content can be customised: Mini Games, PDF's, videos etc.

Dinoman - Mechanic sample
The goal of each level is to eat all the points in the corridors of the labyrinth without being eaten by the monsters buzzing around. If you want to turn the tables on the food chain, you can eat one of the "fruits" at a time, which makes the dinos turn purple and you can eat them for a short time.